Sunday, July 4, 2010

Niggers in America

What better way to introduce myself than to explain a current dilemma that I have encountered today. I was at a friends house talking very casually today about the fourth of July and what everyones plans were for the evening. As the conversation progressed, we began to talk about halloween in the Castro. My friends boyfriend very casually stated the following: " It was really great before the Niggers messed it up!" to which I replied "that's my cue to leave." and went home.

As of recently I have been making efforts to purify myself spiritually. Once upon a time I was a kind soul. I feel that situations in my life have corrupted and defiled me, leaving me angry and at times malicious. So I am taking time to understand these factors and trying desperately to reclaim the goodness that lies in my heart.

The problem is that today I wanted to scream at this mother fucker about how his ancestors, The White Man, has mutilated entire races through subjugation, slavery, rape, cultural intolerance and as of now institutionalized this racism through laws and methods practice by the legal system. I wanted to tell him that he and his ancestors are to blame for turning the Black Man into a criminal. I wanted to tell him what a piece of shit he was and what an archaic mindset he had. I pitied him. But instead I walked out. Turn the other cheek as they say in that one book. . .

How do I maintain my inner peace when the outer influences create turmoil?

I sometimes forget that racism is still prevalent even amongst educated people because I live in a bubble. Though I would argue that racism equates to ignorance, which is the opposite of being knowledgeable (knowledge being the prerequisite for someone to be deemed educated.)

Just some food for thought on this fourth of July.

Happy fourth everyone.

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