Monday, July 26, 2010
woah woah woah
Friday, July 23, 2010
gone people
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
my old friend

Saturday, July 17, 2010
the new job
Thursday, July 15, 2010
the name game
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
love lust and choices at 22
The open acceptance of promiscuity has tainted the heart. Sex has ruined us. Our greatest pleasure is the spawn of our greatest misery. How common is it to hear a guy say that they are tired of the same old thing, and they just want love. And how often does this same person, jump into bed with someone for no reason accept for the lust that drives them. Doesnt these seem contradictory.
Before i go too far and upset you, let me assert that casual sex is not the problem, so long as it is safe. Viewing a person as a sexual object first and as a person second is a problem. Sex and Love have been removed from each other.
To accept a casual fling, or many casual flings, is accepting the removal of love from the sexual experience. It is pure physical pleasure. Yet the heart yearns that sex and love come together in union. Where does one frame of thought begin and the other end?
A human being was given free will. It is your choice to sleep with whoever you choose. Your consequences, much like your decision, are your own. (Don't get it twisted consequences can be good and bad.) Now many will get offended or insulted as though I am outright attacking them for promiscuity. This is not the case or my intention. I myself am not above the influences of my desires. I do not come from a place of malice, I speak from a place of love. What I am condemning is the cycle of wanting much more than “just a fuck,” and the same people still fucking around. I condemn your sorrow, my sorrow the sorrow that we are responsible for. The longing for love.
Fuck your brains out with whoever you want but understand that as the quanitity of sex increases the quality of love decreases. If you are content with the outcomes of your love life as you continue to sleep around then by all means keep on drumming. But if your heart is still yearning for that love, than stop and re-evaluate your choices.
There are those who will scream “ what right do you have to judge my choices” and to them I answer, “no one.” These are merely words, thoughts on my mind, and you are welcome to absorb them for what they are or simple stop reading. The goal is to open discussion. I do however reserve the right to argue that the heart becomes tainted when it enters the gay community.
The matters of the heart have been forgotten.
We are stuck in a cycle. confined to the boundaries that have been established for us by the community. Think back to your first few experiences with another guy, how scared, nervous, excited you were. Now recall the feelings you got when you realized or were told that it was “just sex.” Because it has been made acceptable to sleep around, it is pushed onto the new people entering into the community. A new person coming into the community with their purity and innocence is open to the idea of love but receives a lesson in lust. Heartbreak after heartbreak they become tainted and in turn perpetuate this standard. Or are you yourself too jaded or ashamed to admit that you remember this guy.
I am but one person who thinks about things in life. maybe a little too much, but for me i think the gay community doesn't do enough thinking. And if they do, it's in a superficial manner, as in their looks and material acquisitions.
Friday, July 9, 2010
remember yesterday, discovering tomorrow.
And it doesn't seem to be getting much better
There's kids playing games on the pavement
Drawing waves on the pavement
Shadows of the planes on the pavement
Its enough to make me cry
But that don't seem like it would make it feel better
Maybe its a dream and if I scream
It will burst at the seams
This whole place will fall to pieces
And then they'd say...
Well how could we have known?
I'll tell them it's not so hard to tell
If you keep on adding stones
Soon the water will be lost in the well
Puzzle pieces in the ground
But no one ever seems to be digging
Instead they're looking up towards the heavens
With their eyes on the heavens
There are shadows on the way to the heavens
It's enough to make me cry
But that don't seem like it would make it feel better
The answers could be found
We could learn from digging down
But no one ever seems to be digging
Instead they'll say...
Well how could we have known?
I'll tell them it's not so hard to tell
If you keep on adding stones
Soon the water will be lost in the well
Words of wisdom all around
But no one ever seems to listen
They're talking about their plans on paper
Building up from the pavement
There are shadows from the scrapers on the pavement
It's enough to make me sigh
But that don't seem like it would make it feel better
The words are still around
But the words are only sounds
And no one ever seems to listen
Instead they'll say
Well how could we have known?
I'll tell them it's not so hard to tell
If you keep on adding stones
Soon the water will be lost in the well